Help on the skin
The history of vaccinations can be "written" on the skin with invisible ink and read it using a smartphone.
20.12.2019The history of vaccinations can be "written" on the skin with invisible ink and read it using a smartphone.
20.12.2019The new method of gene therapy is based on a technology that forces donor human cells to release millions of exosomes with RNA encoding the anti-oncogene protein.
20.12.2019INTEGRATE technology is far superior to traditional CRISPR in both editing accuracy and security.
20.12.2019A team of researchers from the USA made a liquid biopsy much more sensitive to microRNA molecules.
20.12.2019A miniature dental device gives an idea of how teeth react to dental materials.
20.12.2019Even moderate weight loss is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in women aged 50 and older.
19.12.2019Organoids printed by researchers from the University of Sao Paulo - "mini-liver– - performs all the typical functions of the liver.
19.12.2019The lipid profile of the blood determines the risk of developing type 2 diabetes more accurately than the presence of obesity in a person.
19.12.2019An international team of scientists has found 79 possible candidates for the role of a killer of bacteria in human stool samples.
19.12.2019Artificial intelligence has found signs of cancer recurrence that were not noticed by humans.
19.12.2019Danish scientists have compiled a portrait of an ancient man and microbes from his mouth from the remains of DNA in a petrified gum made of birch tar.
18.12.2019A simple technique will allow you to diagnose nasopharyngeal cancer earlier and treat it more successfully.
18.12.2019The new screening method is faster, simpler and more accurate than the existing ones to determine whether a substance can cause cancer.
18.12.2019Curcumin is a win–win candidate: both the origin of spices, and the name is appropriate, and the halo of oriental mystery.
18.12.2019The "Pro-active" technology increases the effectiveness of the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria by 100 times.
17.12.2019The method of selecting a delivery virus for targeted gene therapy can be compared with accelerating the process of evolution from millions of years to several weeks.
17.12.2019A simple test will predict the likelihood of dementia patients dying within three years after diagnosis.
17.12.2019Nanoparticles carrying doxorubicin were enriched with vitamin B9, which cancer cells absorb 1000 times more actively than ordinary ones.
17.12.2019RNA sequencing will detect cancer cells in the liver before the tumors are visible using standard diagnostic methods.
17.12.2019Researchers have developed a technology and architecture for the production of materials with built-in indelible memory using DNA.
17.12.2019You can write to the editor at:
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